Task Instructions
Completion of a selected course with distinction and high grades requires extensive inputs. Especially in Australia where the curriculum is so diverse and comprehensive, due submission of all the assignments and assessments with the desired quality can become cumbersome. More often than not, there is a barter in prioritization of work and students have to choose what assessments need to be completed, what can be delayed, run and request for extensions, and what not! This is where we come into play and resolve this conflict. After all, a service in need is a service indeed!
In your annotated bibliography you need to:
- Write an annotation for each of the three (3) research articles you select from the Reference List below (200 words each annotation).
- Justify your selection of each article based on how the article informs best clinical practice to manage the patient condition(s) presented in the case study (100 words each for justification). You will need to include in your justification:
- The strength of the research article in relation to the case study (provided below);
- The quality of the research article.
- Using the evidence you have critiqued, recommend ways to improve this patient’s nursing care, based on your critique of the evidence (300 words).
Please refer to the resource indicated in the footnote. Further information on how to structure an annotated bibliography will be included in a TTP session.
Case Study
Tom is an 80-year-old overweight man, has arrived at the general practice clinic where you are currently working as a Registered Nurse. Tom is breathless, has visible peripheral edema and tachycardia. In 2019, Tom was diagnosed with chronic heart failure because of ischaemic cardiomyopathy and hypertension. He states that in the past few days he has experienced distressing shortness of breath and is feeling increasingly unwell.
Based on Tom’s case,
choose three (3) research articles from the
reference list below. Select each article that you believe
best provides evidence-based guidance on how Tom can better manage his condition.
Select three (3) out of the eight (8) research sources provided below.
NOTE: All references cited in this list are available via the readings left-hand menu tab
on the BlackBoard site.
Atherton, J. J., Sindone, A., De Pasquale, C. G., Driscoll, A., MacDonald, P. S., Hopper, I., Kistler, P., Briffa, T. G., Wong, J., Abhayaratna, W. P., Thomas, L., Audehm, R., Newton, P. J., O’Loughlin, J., Connell, C., & Branagan, M. (2018). National Heart Foundation of Australia and Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand: Australian clinical guidelines for the management of heart failure 2018.
Medical Journal of Australia, 209(8), 363-369. https://doi.org/10.5694/mja18.00647
Buck, H. G., Stromberg, A., Chung, M. L., Donovan, K. A., Harkness, K., Howard, A. M., Kato, N., Polo, R., & Evangelista, L. S. (2018). A systematic review of heart failure dyadic self-care interventions focusing on intervention components, contexts, and outcomes.
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 77, 232-242. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2017.10.007
Im, J., Mak, S., Upshur, R., Steinberg, L., & Kuluski, K. (2019). ‘The Future is Probably Now’: Understanding of illness, uncertainty and end‐of‐life discussions in older adults with heart failure and family caregivers.
Health Expectations, 22(6), 1331-1340. https://doi.org/10.1111/hex.12980
Jiang, Y., Shorey, S., Seah, B., Chan, W. X., Tam, W. W. S., & Wang, W. (2018, 2018/02/01/). The effectiveness of psychological interventions on self-care, psychological and health outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure—A systematic review and meta-analysis.
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 78, 16-25. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2017.08.006
Miller, S., Mandrusiak, A., & Adsett, J. (2018). Getting to the heart of the matter: What is the landscape of exercise rehabilitation for people with heart failure in Australia?
Heart, Lung & Circulation, 27(11), 1350-1356. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hlc.2017.08.016
Ryan, C. J., Bierle, R., & Vuckovic, K. M. (2019). The Three Rs for preventing heart failure readmission: Review, reassess, and re-educate.
Critical Care Nurse, 39(2), 85-93. https://doi.org/10.4037/ccn2019345
Salahodinkolah, M. K., Ganji, J., Moghadam, S. H., Shafipour, V., Jafari, H., & Salari, S. (2020). Educational intervention for improving self-care behaviors in patients with heart failure: A narrative review.
Journal of Nursing & Midwifery Sciences, 7(1), 60-68. https://doi.org/10.4103/JNMS.JNMS_19_19
Srisuk, N., Cameron, J., Ski, C. F., & Thompson, D. R. (2017). Randomized controlled trial of family-based education for patients with heart failure and their carers.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(4), 857-870. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13192