Persuasive writing means trying to convince the reader of your opinion with your written content. Students often have to write persuasive essays in the form of assignments but convincing the reader through their writing is a strenuous task. Convincing someone through your writing is an art and you have to master it in order to achieve high grades. In this blog, you will get some amazing tips and tricks to make your persuasive essay compelling and unique.
What is persuasive writing?
It helps writers to develop specific reasons for their point of view and provides opportunity to research extensively about facts related to their opinions. Professors assign persuasive essay assessments to students as it will enhance their writing and communication skills to persuade people to believe in philosophy. The most common characteristics of persuasive writing are:
- Structured
- Purposeful
- Clear & concise
- Strategic
- Evidentiary support
- Easily readable
There are various types of essays and a persuasive essay is one of them which presents logical arguments with an emotional appeal to persuade a particular viewpoint. Students often receive this type of essay to write which is complex for students. This type of essay is somehow related to argumentative essays as both discuss any serious issue with logical arguments and provides conclusive solutions. It is also known as an argumentative essay. Basically, the primary aim of this essay is to convince the reader that the writer’s opinion carries more weight.
What is persuasive language?
Persuasive language is used by a speaker to persuade the audience to his/her opinion. This language is basically focused on changing someone’s mind or views on any topic or issue. There are many persuasive language techniques available which is used by writers to sway their readers. The following are some of the persuasive language technique which you can use while writing your essay:
Appeals: The writers often use this technique in order to persuade their readers as it helps them to touch a different set of emotions. Ethos, pathos and logos are some of the common appealing techniques of persuasion.
Colloquial language: It is a type of informal language that we use extensively in our everyday life. Colloquial language is a great technique to connect with the readers as it is casual and conversational. Example of colloquial language is ‘hard to swallow’ versus ‘difficult to believe’.
Emotive words: This technique helps the writer to provoke the emotional reaction from the readers. It is based on the word choice that is used to evoke emotion in the reader. Emotive words are used to cause an effect on the reader.
Modes of persuasion (ethos, logos and pathos)
In order to craft a good persuasive, you must be aware of modes of persuasion. The modes of persuasion are given by Aristotle, who is a philosopher, in his treatise Rhetoric from 367-322 BCE. These modes of persuasion consist of the following elements:
Ethos: Ethos is an integral element of persuasive writing as it helps writers to establish their credibility, knowledge and good moral character. Readers always prefer to trust someone who has credible knowledge and personal experience. In short, ethos helps the writers to build trust in their readers. Ethos consists of three elements that are phronesis, arête and eunoia.
Pathos: It is a type of appeal made to the readers’ emotions to evoke feelings. Triggering the reader’s emotions is important for a writer as it helps readers to connect with the narrator. Pathos helps you to make your writing more compelling to make the readers tug at the heartstrings. Pathos is used in building arguments at courtrooms, opinion pieces or Op-ED, politics, etc.
Logos: According to Aristotle, logos is one of three main elements of persuasive writing. Logos refer to using logic and reasoning in crafting persuasive essays. It helps in making effective appeal that can enhance your writing and engage the readers. Logos are used in newspapers, politics, advertisements, poems and so on.
Why is persuasive writing important?
Nowadays, persuasive writing is a demanding skill all over the world. It is a type of non-fiction writing in which the writer intends to convince the reader to believe in his/her opinion. There are many examples of persuasion in our everyday lives such as a cooking show where the chef is telling us to cook healthy meals, a magazine which details the importance of exercise and why we need to do it regularly.
All these examples show how they are persuading their audience/readers on their point of view by backing it up with relevant facts. Persuasive writing is important for students as it enables them to express their thoughts, opinions or ideas in a constructive way that will help them in their personal and professional lives.
- It enables writers to influence and convince people to adopt their opinion, thought and point of view.
- It is helpful in decision making as it allows you to present logical reasoning and supporting evidence which can guide your readers to make informed choices in your favor.
- It also helps you in raising awareness and generating support on any specific issue. You can easily inspire readers to contribute to positive changes.
- It enhances your critical thinking skills as it includes critical thinking and analyzing any specific topic or issue. It helps you to evaluate evidence and facts, address counterarguments and develop logical solutions or structures to support your viewpoint.
Structure of persuasive essay
The basic persuasive writing structure consists of an introduction, body paragraphs (3 or more) and a conclusion. The typical structure of persuasive essay is given below:

Introduction is like an appetizer as it helps readers to know what they can expect from the essay. You have to introduce your topic in the introduction section. Try to grab your readers’ attention from the topic sentence, which means explaining your main idea with the beginning sentence. You can make your introduction interesting and eye-catching by adding a relevant quote or an interesting fact or a question or any outrageous statement. To seize your reader’s attention, you must define your intended audience clearly. Thesis is the final part of the introduction of a persuasive essay. This section must be clear, concise, strong and focused so that readers can easily understand the topic and the purpose of writing.
The main body of your persuasive essay is just like the main dish. It is the part of your essay where you have to go into detail and dig up big ideas. Main body is the section where you interpret information, explain, provide insights and prove things to the readers. In the main body, explain all the certain ideas which you have mentioned in your introduction. The main body of an essay consists of 3 or more paragraphs. If you want to persuade the reader, then you have at least 3 paragraphs that support your argument.
Conclusion is like dessert to the readers because an essay is incomplete without this. This is the part of your essay where your readers should be at the point of agreeing with your point of view. The main aim of writing a conclusion is to summarize the main ideas clearly and concisely with evidence. You can conclude your essay by asking readers a question to think about or a literal call for them to do something or a prediction of what might happen in the coming time and so on. Conclusions of essays are tough to write but leaving a final impression on the reader is necessary.
Strategies to write a persuasive essay
There are few persuasive writing techniques to craft a perfect essay to persuade your readers. Follow the below tips to make your persuasive writing better:
- Select the topic wisely: Writing a persuasive essay is tough so make sure to choose a topic you are passionate about. Most often students have the option to select the topic, make sure to select a topic that appeals to your sensibilities.
- Know your target audience: If you know your target audience then work will be easier as it will help you persuade your readers.
- Extensive research: Investigation is a must while writing different types of essays. You must be well aware of both sides of the argument in order to make your writing better. If you know both sides of the argument, then you can easily persuade your readers
- Prepare an essay outline: Preparing an outline before writing an essay will help you organize your ideas and thoughts. Outlining your essay will help to lay out the essay structure.
- Try to be empathetic: To persuade your readers, you must use an important persuasion technique which is the use of empathy. If the reader can relate to your experience then he/she will be more inclined to believe you. Being empathetic while writing persuasive essays will help you provide logical explanations to the readers for why there is a need to change their beliefs.
- Add rhetorical questions: Rhetorical questions help you draw the attention of your readers. Make sure to avoid questions that can be answered with a yes or no as it won’t help you to invite the readers. You can ask questions that will make the reader think.
- Proofread: Proofreading is essential while writing any type of essay as it will help you avoid grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and any structure issues. Proofreading can help you in making your work credible and impeccable.
- Call to Action: Always use a call to action while writing your persuasive essay. Make sure to write a clear, concise and actionable call to action as it will help readers to take action easily.
Some topics for persuasive writing
You can find numerous persuasive writing topics on the web. Here are some of the topics listed below that you can select for your essay:
- The history of women in art and literature
- Is music an efficient stress reliever in eliminating depression?
- Why is time management important for most jobs?
- How are mobiles and smart gadgets ruining school life?
- Pregnant couples should receive parenting lessons.
- Medical testing on animals should be illegal
Final words
Now, you must be well aware of persuasive language in a perfect way. You can excel in the art of persuasive writing by using the strategies mentioned in this blog. Make sure to figure out your targeted audience and research extensively, before starting to write your persuasive essay. If you still find it difficult to write your essay then you can take our assignment help service to complete your persuasive essay in a jiffy. We provide expert assistance to students who face difficulties in persuasive writing. We offer professional assistance for various assignments such as thesis, essay-writing, reports, case studies, dissertations and many others. We guarantee you the delivery of premium quality content within the given time frame.
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